Friday, December 17, 2010

Used name brand purses added to our Amazon store!

I was able to find a Relic, Fossil, and Tignanello red long purse.  Stop into our website and check them out.

Received the sample of Beauté Minéral yesterday!

I am going to be trying them today and puting my reviews on here soon.  I was supprised by the small size of the samples.  I don't think that I realized how small 0.1g was.   I will be ordering more after I have had a chance to wear and test the makeup for myself.

You will soon see the products on our Amazon store below!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Winter Skincare tutorial with Nicky Hambleton Jones

I have ordered a makeup line I am going try, and if it agrees with my skin I will sell it!

I'm so excited to try this makeup out.  I really hope that it is agreeable to my skin.  I love the colors, and the best part about this makeup is that it does not have talcum in it.  I have also found some synthetic brushes that are compatible with the mineral makeups.  I will be purchasing those to try next month. 

I have not stopped the Avon sales, but am looking to be versatile.  Take a few moments to shop at my website!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

AVON Advance Techniques | Hear What People Are Saying

They put these girls in a humidity chamber.  This is like a sauna!  The product works very well!  My family and I are going to try this product, and I will be posting reviews of each individual.

AVON Advance Techniques | Lotus Shield: Frizz Free Friday

AVON Advance Techniques | Lotus Shield: Your Anti-Frizz Revolution

Monday, December 6, 2010

Makeup primers and the things I have learned recently about makeup.

I always wondered what that was.  Well I have learned that this a product that keeps the liquid and powder foundation makeups in place throughout the day.  I also understand that concealers are important for the dark circles I get under my eyes as well as the redness on my face either from acne or just redness.  I have learned how to contour my cheeks and my nose to make it narrower looking. 

In some of the videos I have watched on the makeup artists put their make up on in the order of moisturizer, primers, concealer, foundation, eye liner, shadow, blushes, and finally lipstick. 
In my impression their faces are their canvas.  They create the work of art to enhance their appearance. 

I am learning the current makeup techniques of application, and with the tools on I will continue to improve.  Eventually I will post some videos, but that will be a while.  I'm still in the practice mode of applying the makeup.  I am happy to say that I am getting faster at applying the makeup!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I have a great 1st couple of weeks for my Avon store

Thank you everyone!  I have al been working hard on our Amazon store.  Dino & Pebbles store.
Coming this month will be a new mineral makeup I have found.  The makeup is a Talcom free makeup.  I will be testing it out on my skin first, and then will post reviews after a few days of wearing the makeup.  I also will be purchasing some synthetic make up brushes that work will with mineral makeup.  I am allergic to most animal hair and talcom.  I am searching for the cosmetics out there that will work for me and possibly will help others in their strugle to find makeup that does not irritate their skin.